Worthy / Slaughtered
“And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb …” (Revelation 5:8)
There is One who makes heaven’s most glorious creatures fall on their faces.
At the sight of the risen Lamb of God, every knee grows weak.
What is it about Jesus that makes all fall down?
With one voice, the saints and angels tell us why:
“Worthy are you … for You were slaughtered … Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered.” (Revelation 5:9, 12 NASB)
Why is Jesus worthy to receive power, wealth, wisdom, might, honor, glory, and blessing?
Because he was slaughtered for us.
This alone is reason enough to worship him with all our being forever and ever.
Is Jesus worthy of your obedience, even if it means that you have to let go of something you find precious?
He is—for Jesus did not withhold his spirit at Calvary.
Is Jesus worthy of your repentance, even if means you have to humble yourself and admit you sinned?
He is—for the sinless Son of God embraced the cross for all to see.
Is Jesus worthy of your zealous devotion, even if it means you have to fight for it? Is he worth making the effort to get out of bed? Is the worth losing some friends because you were faithful to him? Is he worth the pain of holiness?
He is—because he had you in mind when he let the nails pierce his hands and feet.
Is Jesus worthy of you bowing down and lifting your hands in worship, even if other people think you look silly?
He is—because the King of Heaven bowed down at Gethsemane and stretched out his hands at Golgotha.
Is Jesus worthy of your life?
Is he worth more than casual Christianity?
Is he worth you taking this to the extreme?
Is he worth you bucking the trend of earth, which is passing away?
Is he worth joining the angels and saints in the heavenly way that will never fade?
Is he worth you falling on your face?
He is, he is, he is—for the Lamb was slaughtered for you.