Welcome the Wilderness

“But as for you, turn, and journey into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea.” (Deut. 1:40)

After the ten spies doubted, God didn’t want Israel to go into Canaan.

He was sending them away into the wilderness—into a season of refining discipline that would prepare them for the promise. 

The wilderness was their temporary home, but Israel would not accept their divine assignment.

“We have sinned against the LORD. We ourselves will go up and fight, just as the LORD our God commanded us.” (Deut. 1:41)

Without God’s blessing or presence, they pressed forward into the promised land. They presumed that the Lord would work victory on their behalf. But he had already told them that he was doing a different kind of work.

Because Israel tried to force their way out, they multiplied the pain of the wilderness.

Has God sent you into the wilderness?

Like Israel, we are tempted to force our way out. We refuse to accept that the Lord would take his chosen ones through the sands of affliction. To our detriment, we put on armor for a battle that God never told us to fight.

Pushing forward is not always the answer. 

If God is bringing you into the wilderness, he wants you to wait.

Don’t try to work your way out of the wilderness. Worship your way through the wilderness.

God does his best work in the desert. In hunger, he expands your appetite for manna. In thirst, he reveals wells of living water. In confusion, he deepens your trust.

Sometimes the most faithful move is to not move at all and submit to the season of wilderness prepared for you.