Trained by Christ

“For the grace of God has appeared … training us to renounce ungodliness … and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.” (Titus 2:11-12)

Self-control does not begin with getting hold of ourselves. It begins with believing that Christ has gotten hold of us.

A million reminders and resolves to practice moderation cannot do what Christ has done.

He takes us in—unkept, unruly, unmanaged. And then, instead of merely commanding us to control ourselves, he inhabits the command center. Through the Spirit, he starts working on the root desires within.

How does Jesus form a pure people for his own possession? By grace, through the inner working of the Holy Spirit, whom we joyfully receive and freely follow step by step.

It is Jesus’ way.

He does his work at the bottom of the well—so that all of our grace-fueled effort springs from the overflow of abiding. 

This means you must abandon the lash of the Law, once and for all.

Every attempt to whip yourself into control is counterproductive. The Law’s brute force of severity sabotages the smooth and gracious work of Christ. It crushes you under the weight of who you are not and what you have not done.

The Spirit always comes with a life-giving reminder of who you are: Christ’s beloved, holy and adopted, filled with his presence, equipped in every moment with resurrection life.

Fire the old trainer. The Law never helped.

The Spirit of Jesus is your trustworthy guide—and grace is his method.