The Ark Ahead
It is a snare to rush into the work before we have given God room to go before us.
Israel was ready to leave Sinai.
They organized the camps.
They enlisted wise counsel.
They sensed that God was on the move.
But still, one more step was needed to walk with confidence into the wilderness. They made space for the ark of God to move ahead.
“And the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them … to seek out a resting place for them … And whenever the ark set out, Moses said, ‘Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered …” (Numbers 10:33-35)
Plans weren’t enough. Israel needed heavenly protection for their unforeseen enemies. So they moved behind the One who threw Egypt into the sea.
“Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes.” (Proverbs 19:2 NLT)
When God is leading us into something new, we want to dive in headfirst. But if God is leading, he must go first. Enthusiasm without patience blinds us to vulnerabilities along the path.
Human preparation cannot stand against spiritual opposition. It takes one demonic assailant, lurking along our perfectly devised route, to undermine and overthrow all of our plans.
Even the disciples did not rush to tell the world what they had seen and heard. First, they waited for the Presence.
The journey may be fully approved. But have you given time for God to go ahead—for the Spirit to fill you, go before you, and carve a path of peace?
Patient prayer is the best preparation.
Give time for the Lord to clear the path, and you will walk with confidence into the unknown terrain of the good work ahead.