Steward Your Story

“I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. … He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God.” (Ps. 40:1, 3)

David knew that his salvation was bigger than him. 

God heard his cry, pulled him up, and made his steps secure so that he could sing all about it. And through his song, “Many [would] see and fear and put their trust in the LORD” (Psalm 40:3b).

God’s work in your life isn’t an heirloom to hide away. It is designed for the public domain.

Every answered prayer is a testimony that can take the people around you to a new level of faith—if only you will share it.

Too many keep their lips sealed. Miracles that could have multiplied faith are hidden away. Stories of the living and active God become forgotten relics of the past.

But the miracle was always meant to move through you. Your testimony was made to stay alive—like a flame passed from torch to torch, igniting one heart after another with blazing faith in the power of Christ.

How many have become glad because of God’s work in your life?

You are the steward of your story. It’s not yours to bury. God gave it to you so you could give it away.

Keep passing along the testimonies of how God is moving in your life—and over time, you will find a wildfire of worship in your wake, to the glory and praise of God.