Not By Piety
When the paralyzed man started leaping and praising God, it got everyone’s attention (Acts 3:8-9). They assumed that Peter and John were heavenly miracle-workers, worthy of celebrity status in Jerusalem (Acts 3:10-11).
But Peter knew where to redirect the attention.
The power wasn’t from him. Two months earlier, he was so afraid of people that he pretended he didn't follow Jesus.
What was the difference between Peter the Bashful and Peter the Bold?
The Spirit of God, given through faith in Jesus’ name.
“Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we have made him walk? … And his name—by faith in his name—has made this man strong whom you see and know, and the faith that is through Jesus has given the man this perfect health in the presence of you all.” (Acts 3:12, 16)
It is natural to think that God is waiting for you to build up enough spiritual tokens before sending his power.
Jesus will heal when you’re holy enough.
He’ll save when you’re bold enough.
He’ll do something big when you’re devoted enough.
That’s what the crowds assumed. Surely there was something special in Peter.
But the Scriptures are clear: God’s power comes by faith in the name of Jesus, not through our piety.
Miracles are not the grand prize we receive by cashing in our good deeds. God heals, moves, and saves sinners to show his unending mercy and unstoppable power.
This is humbling news for those who thought they could earn it.
But for those who have been made low, it makes all things possible (Mark 9:23). The Spirit of Jesus searches for the humble who have nothing in the bank and bank everything on God (Matthew 5:3).
God’s miracles rest on the lowest shelf, not the highest. His breakthroughs are accessible only to those who have been brought low enough to see them (Mark 15:27-28).