Is It Too Small a Thing?

The sons of Korah wanted Moses’ position because they forgot their past.

Not long ago, they were under Pharaoh’s whip, molding bricks from mud and straw. Now, they were honored ministers in the Lord’s house.

But it wasn’t enough.

“And Moses said … ‘Here now, you sons of Levi: is it too small a thing for you that the God of Israel has separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to himself … ?” (Numbers 16:8-9)

Is it too small a thing for you?

When gratitude shrinks, greed grows.

As soon as God’s past works are no longer a big deal, I look for the next big thing. 

I forget who I was and what God has done.

I fixate on who I’m not and what I don’t have.

“You have gone too far!” (Numbers 16:7)

Covetousness lures us out of the beautiful bounds prepared by God—into the thorny ground of positions and possessions we were never made to crave.

The Korahites learned the hard way that if we make God’s provision small, God will make us smaller. He will humble us to the dust until the grace we took for granted becomes great in our eyes again.

Shrink down to the fundamentals.

Who were you? 

What has God done?

The flesh finds no room in a humble heart. 

Praise God for past provision, and you will begin to trust him with your present position.