House of Deceit
Zechariah sees a giant scroll flying across the sky, like an airplane banner with a message from God.
The announcement is for all to see:
“This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land. For everyone who steals shall be cleaned out according to what is on one side, and everyone who swears falsely shall be cleaned out according to what is on the other side.” (Zechariah 5:3)
There is a curse upon everyone keeping up a lie.
Thieves steal and liars lie to keep the house looking good from the outside.
Why do they take credit for words they didn’t write and work they didn’t do? To maintain the appearance of impressive output.
Why do they make promises they know they won’t fulfill? Because they don’t want to show their limitations.
Why do they shoot for a position at work that belongs to another? Because they want the perks and praise that come with superiority.
They steal because they imagine they can store it in the house.
They lie because they think they can hide behind it.
But a day is coming, says the Lord, when all that is hidden within a house of deceit will be cleared out. God will take down every fraudulent wall, no matter how well-constructed.
“The LORD Almighty declares, ‘I will send it out, and it will enter the house of the thief and the house of anyone who swears falsely by my name. It will remain in that house and destroy it completely, both its timbers and its stones.” (Zechariah 5:4 NIV)
Habitual deceivers deceive themselves with a deadly lie: I can keep this up.
But the Lord sends signs of warning to break the illusion, like a banner flying in the sky: Soon, I will tear it down.
In mercy, he sends pangs on the conscience. In love, he sends nightmares, portraying the dangers ahead. He shoots arrows of small consequence to chip away at the wall. All these preliminary pains are a spike strip laid by the Lord a mile before the cliff. Without repentance, a dreadful fall is on the way.
Ananias and Sapphira were God’s aerial banner to the church—a signal that Christ is building a house of truth. He is forming temples for his Spirit to dwell. He will not allow deceit to live long in the family of God.
There is only one way to escape the curse of deceit. Flee your house of lies and go to Christ, who was exposed for lies he never told. Give it all back, and run to the one who was shamed for what he never stole. Move out of the cursed house you built, and move under the cross, where Christ was cursed for you (Galatians 3:13).
The light of exposure is always better than the house of deceit, no matter how painful the revelation. For those who walk into the sun by faith, Christ has prepared a better shelter, free from shame, with shadows of healing grace.