He's Coming Back

“Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!” (Revelation 16:15).

He who was born in a manger will come again through the clouds (Revelation 1:7).

He who was born on a silent night will come again with trumpet blasts (Matthew 24:31).

He who arrived with angels singing “good news of great joy” will come again with an angel proclaiming that “the hour of his judgment has come” (Revelation 14:7).

Many were surprised by his first coming. But Jesus says that we have no reason to be caught off guard when he comes again.

Jesus is coming back. His return will mean unimaginable joy for those who have believed, for those who are covered with the righteous garments of Christ. And his return will mean unfathomable suffering for those who are naked and exposed, who have chosen to remain in their sin instead of finding refuge in Christ. 

But he has not returned yet. “Joy to the world” is available for all who would believe. Far as the curse is found, Christ comes to make his blessings flow.

The Lord is come! Let earth receive her king! Repent, remove the idols of your heart, and prepare him room.

Get ready for Jesus’ return, and you will repeat the sounding joy of Jesus’ redemption forever and ever.