Daily Salvation
“Blessed be the LORD, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Our God is a God of salvation, and to GOD, the Lord, belong deliverances from death.” (Psalm 68:19-20)
It’s good to remember the story of your salvation.
You were in the coffin—then Christ said, “Come out!”
You were blind; now you see.
You were estranged; now you’re adopted.
But God’s salvation didn’t stop with the story of your past.
“God is a God of salvation”—present tense.
Saving is what he does.
He didn’t just pick you up way back when. He wants to “daily bear [you] up” again and again.
He didn’t just deliver you once from death. To God “belong deliverances from death,” and he has plenty more in store.
Praise God! He saved you long ago.
But do you believe that he is still your salvation here and now?
When depression creeps back into view, do you believe God is near to revive? He who raised you from the dead can refresh your downcast heart.
When your burdens grow too heavy, do you believe that God wants to help? He who bore all your sins can carry the weight of the day.
When you feel lost, do you believe that God is looking? He who chased you down in love can’t stop pursuing until he has your whole heart.
Jesus’ name means “the Lord saves”—not just once, but again and again.
His salvation was not a one-time exception from his normal way. It’s what he wants to do for you today.