Behold Jesus, Behold God
“He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature ...” (Hebrews 1:3)
Jesus is the perfect answer to the question: “Who is God?”
Jesus is not the tender side of God. He does not give a more calm and gracious revelation than the “Old Testament God,” as some are apt to think.
All that is true of the Son is true of the Father and the Spirit. The Son is in perfect accord with all of the Triune God’s dealings with Israel in the old covenant, and the Triune God is in perfect accord with all of Christ’s dealings with the church in the new covenant.
Jesus gives an eternal “Amen!” to all the Father has promised and all the Spirit continues to do.
All that Jesus is, God is.
If your perception of the God of the Universe contradicts the Jesus of the Scriptures, you are perceiving a god of your own making rather than the God who is, was, and will be.
When you behold Jesus, full of grace and truth, you do not need to look one degree to the right or to the left to behold God. Behold Jesus, and you behold the radiance of God’s glory.
Can you see God’s pursuit of you? Behold the Word made flesh.
Can you see God’s acquaintance with your trials? Behold the Son of God, hungry in the desert.
Can you see God’s compassion for your suffering? Behold, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35).
Can you see God’s love? Behold the nails through his hands and feet.
Can you see God’s power to save and heal and deliver, to pull you out of the deepest pit? Behold, he is risen from the grave.
Can you see God? Yes, you can. Behold Christ, and behold your God!